Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Where do I belong?

I LOVE quizzes and personality assessments.  I've taken the Myers Brigg, True Colors, the PSI, the animal assessment, the Clifton Strengths Finder, etc. etc... In fact, I've never even passed on the opportunity to take a Glamour Magazine assessment... "What does your lipstick color say about you?" (I know what you're thinking... 7th grade called and they want you back!)

So when a friend of mine posted Time Magazine's newest article, "America's Mood Map" based on the research of Jason Rentfrow at the University of Cambridge--my interest was piqued when I learned a QUIZ could tell me where my temperament fit on a state-by-state ratings of personality.

According to the study, the winners (or losers, depending on how you view these things) were in some cases surprising and in some not at all. The top scorers on extroversion were the ebullient folks of Wisconsin (picture the fans at a Packers game — even a losing Packers game). The lowest score went to the temperamentally snowbound folks of Vermont. Utah is the most agreeable place in the country and Washington, D.C., is the least (gridlock, anyone?).

Take the quiz for yourself to find out which state matches your personality.  http://science.time.com/2013/10/22/the-united-states-of-attitude-an-interactive-guide-to-americas-moods/
Any guesses as to where I match?

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